Aviation Photos
These slide shows are similar to the travel shows. They usually tell a story about a trip, but this time related to flying in one way or another. To view the slide shows, click on the slide projector adjacent to each title.
Nota bene: The pictures are not always in chronological order, and often have the character of vacation trip, which it in most cases was. If you like images of flying, please enjoy!
Sunset flight in Florida, 2016
Flying down South, November 2015
Fly-out with 1World Aero, November 2015
Ripon arrival into Oshkosh, July 2015
Oshkosh, July 2015

The annual pilgrimage to Oshkosh and Airventure. This year we flew from Florida, via Baltimore, to Oshkosh and landed on runway 36R.
A trip to Cedar Key that turned into an adventure. Blew a tire on landing and Dan from Sarasota Avionics had to come to the rescue. Got some nice pictures though and the day was a success.
Instrument practice at KSRQ
We, that is Duilia, Martin and me flew to Fond du Lac in N97975. From KFME to Petersburg in West Virginia, where we stayed one night due to weather. From there to Columbus, Ohio, for another weather-night. Finally on to Wisconsin and the Airventure.
Crystal River City November 25 2010
The first trip with Duilia in N97975 was a pretty short one: Venice to Crystal River in north central Florida. We had an intermediate stop in Lakeland due to the passenger door popping open (partly). It's a Cessna 'thing' - the remedy is to really slam the door hard. The trip back was along the coastline. It was thanksgiving and very quiet on the frequencies.
Everglades City December 30 2009
A trip from Sarasota to Everglades City on the second to last day of 2009. The trip was done in a G1000 equipped C172 rented from Cirrus Aviation at KSRQ. The weather was great but the trip started late so there wasn't time to venture further into the Everglades - next time. The trip took us over the Ten Thousand Island region of the Everglades. Return to Sarasota just as the sun was setting. As always, my co-pilot/navigator/wife Duilia was operating the camera.

1World Aero Caribbean Tour, November 2009
The first annual 1World Aero Caribbean Tour took place in November 2009. The Seneca was flown from Tipton to the island of Montserrat by Terry and Jon (three legs) and then flown back to Tipton by Terry and me. While on Montserrat we stayed with Jon and Sonya. Participants: Terry, Vattaphone, Jon, Sonya and me. This slide show contains pictures from our transfer from St. Kitt, our stay on Montserrat and the trip back to Tipton: Montserrat – Antigua – Puerto Rico – Provodenciales – Nassau – West Palm Beach – Grand Strand – Ft Meade/Tipton.

Eastern Shore, October 13 2008
This was a trip on Columbus Day 2008. Duilia and I flew from Tipton to Millville, NJ. Had lunch at an old fashioned World War II restaurant. Then flew to Ocean City Maryland for a bried stop before returning to Tipton. The trip was interesting; an interesting approach into Ocean City, an overflight of Dover Airforce Base in Delaware, and finally a concern about the transponder on the return into the ADIZ. All worked out fine though.

The annual pilgrimage to Oshkosh and the EAA Airventure. This year we flew to Fond du Lac with N7340Y (just as in 2007). The departure was in unstable air, but most of the trip was done in fair weather. A fantastic week at the Fly-Inn and then back to Maryland. Stops were made in Rochester, Indiana (on the outbound leg) and Grissom Air Force Base on the way back.

This year we flew to Oshkosh, or rather Fond du Lac 10 miles south of Oshkosh proper. The airplane was N7340Y, a 1978 C182RG. Martin Pigg and I acted as pilots, and Duilia was the navigator. The flight to Fond du Lac consisted of two legs; KDMW to KFDY in Ohio, and then to KFLD, Fond du Lac. The route took us south and west of Chicago. The weather was excellent. On the way back, a week later, we stopped in Columbus, Ohio. Then the starter engine broke and we had to take a rental car back. We picked up the plane a few days later. Oshkosh itself was spectacular as usual. I hope the pictures will show some of this.

This trip to Tangier Island – the jewel in the middle of the Chesapeake Bay – was a day trip in N1242C, a C172 G1000 airplane from Capitol Air at Tipton airport. It was done on a sunny but hazy summer day – typical for July. The runway, which is in need of an overhaul, was almost empty. We walked to the beach, had lunch and returned to Tipton in the evening.

Sun 'n' Fun, Florida April 2007
This was the second time Martin Pigg and I flew down to Florida to visit Sun n' Fun at Lakeland. This time we used N1265E, an almost brand new C172 G1000 airplane. We started late on a cold and blustery day. Made stops in Wilmington, NC and Fernandina Island, Fl. The final destination was Albert Whitted airport in St. Petersburg. We arrived quite late at night. The returned was done in excellent weather, with stops at Charleston and Norfolk. Arrival back at Martin State was 1am in the morning. As for the airshow, I was sick the few days we stayed in Florida, but well enough for the return trip. I did not see much of the show. Bad luck.

Flying over the Eastern Shore, October 2, 2007
This was a day off, a beautiful October day. Duilia and I flew to Millville in New Jersey for lunch, then a stop at Bay Bridge airport before heading back to Tipton airport and a good dinner. Sometimes I wish every day was like this.

This trip was made in a C182 (N5339P) from Tipton airport to Norfolk International. It was a beautiful October day, very warm and very clear. The trip was uneventful, some interesting routing to get into KORF (IFR flight). We rented a car and spend the day in Virginia Beach. The return was done VFR and the route went via the Eastern Shore. A big thunder storm was over Chincoteague. This is visible in the first picture.

We spent a week in Venice Florida in March 2006. We arrived in Tampa, took a taxi to St. Petersburg/Clearwater airport and rented a C172 for the week from American Flying Adventure. Flew down to Venice and made trips using Venice as a base. Trips were done to Lakeland, St. Augustine and Naples. Nice weather for most of the time, except when we tried to take picture of Kennedy Space Center from the air - those are the cloud pictures.

This trip went from Tipton airport to Bader Field in Atlantic City, New Jersey. Bader Field closed just a few days after our visit, to make room for some more casinos. The airport was in pretty bad shape, and the approach was 'interesting' as we had to come fairly close to the casinos in order to line up properly.

This trip was made in Larry Petro's Cardinal. The goal was the Cardinal Flyer meeting in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. The weather was so, so, but the meeting was fun. Lots of cardinals of all kinds.

In October 2005 Duilia and I flew N9619E from Martin State airport to the island of Nantucket. This was a dream we'd dreamt about for quite some time. The trip went via the New Jersey shoreline, crossing over KJFK and then following the Connecticut shoreline, passing Martha's Vineyard and on to Nantucket. The return was delayed due to an oil leak in N9619E. We had to have a mechanic fly over from Hyannis. After a check and oil refill we flew N9619E to Hyannis for further checks. When all was found to be ok, we flew back to Martin State the same way we arrived. Our stay at Nantucket was very nice, with long walks on the beach, spectacular sunsets and nice dinners in town.
Here is a short movie of the landing on runway 24. As you can see, it was a bit windy and bumpy on final approach. Press re-load to restart the movie.

On the second to last day of 2006, Martin Pigg and I flew from Martin State to Latrobe in Pennsylvania. A nice airport with a nice restaurant. Return was along the same way as on the outbound leg. Interestingly enough, we got routed right over Camp David (P40). I asked the controller several time if we were really supposed to fly through P40, and got a positive reply each time. The weather was spectacular for December 30. We used a C172SP for the trip.

Flying around Cape Town, December 2005
During a conference in Cape Town, we took an aerial sightseeing tour by renting a C172 and an instructor. The trip went north of Cape Town and the Table Mountain, over to Robben Island, Nelson Mandela's prison for 27 years. The landing was with a 27 knot 40 degree cross wind – normal for the Cape area according to the instructor.

This was a quick overnight stay on the Outer Banks. We flew down in N7340Y, a C182RG. Extremely hazy on the way down and cloudy on the way back. Pretty solid IFR. We had sunny weather while on the OBX though. Saw lots of dolphins, but no picture of them.

This trip was our first flying down and landing at Dare County Regional airport in Manteo. The flight was done in an almost brand new Piper Archer. The route took us on the ocean side of Virginia Beach and down along the barrier island. We rented a car. Came back to Martin State the same evening with an interesting night landing.

The Outer Banks, December 17 2003
This trip to the Outer Banks was done in a car, but the reason was aviation: The Centennial of the First Flight by the Wright Brothers. A big celebration with plenty of celebs, including George W and Air Force One, Neal Armstrong, Chuck Yeager, John Travolta, etc... The weather was absolutely awful, with heavy rain most of the day. Still 20-30000 people showed up.

CPL Cross country to Morehead, August 2004
This was the solo cross country flight for my commercial pilot certificate. The route went from Martin State airport to Morehead city on the southern part of the Outer Banks, then following the OBX to First Flight at Kill Devil Hills (very appropriately) and finally back to Martin State via the Eastern Shore. There was a hurricane affecting the area a few days before, and another one the following week.

This trip was made together with my instructor Cathy Steele and my wife Duilia. The route took us up along the New Jersey sea shore, crossing JFK and then north via Manchester, NH to Easter Regional in Maine. The airplane owner, Chip, met us there and we stayed for two days in his house on a lake. Chip flew back, partially in IMC conditions.

This was a trip made together with Duilia, Albert and Karin. We rented a C182 turbo in Phoenix and used it for a week of flying in northern Arizona and Utah. We stopped in Wickenburg, AZ, Flagstaff AZ, Grand Canyon AZ, Page, AZ (which we used as a base for a few days), Moab UT and Holbrook AZ. We managed to get good weather all the time. A week later it was snowing over the area.